Tuesday 11 September 2012

EPA Investigation: Day 5

Day 5: Monday 10th September 2012

Day 5 Observations:

* People have been throwing out perfectly good food again! (Yoghurt, apples)
* We found more things we wouldn't expect to find at school. (Cigarette
   packets, empty cans, Toy World mailer)
* Group 4 found some kind of electronic device. Group 2 found a small ball.
* There was lots of canteen waste from Friday. (Empty juicy & noodle packets)
* We collected lots of zip lock bags that could be reused.
* And there were lots of chippie packets again!!!
* We found more cup cake wrappers from the cup cake day last week.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Studio 26, you are true investigators and activators as well. That means you find out what is going on AND you do something about it.
    I am very impressed and I am sure Mother Earth will be very pleased with your response to her letter to you.
    Keep up the awesome mahi friends - you are true friends of KBS and Mother Earth.
    Thanks from Mr M.


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