Sunday 9 September 2012

EPA Investigation: Day 4

Day 4: Friday 7th September 2012

Day 4 Observations:

* We found more things that we wouldn't expect to find at school (e.g. beer 
   bottle and cigarette packets).
* Zone 2 had a lot of rubbish today.
* Zone 1 had hardly any rubbish at all - Yay!!!
* Zone 2 had lots of zip lock bags that could be reused.
* Most of the rubbish found in Zone 2 today was hidden in the bushes.
* Lots of chippie packets again / most of the rubbish is food wrappers again.
* Good food being wasted again.
* Cans and bottles were found that could be recycled.
* Lots of compostable stuff collected again.
* Canteen rubbish was found - Flavoured milk bottles and tin foil from garlic 
   splits etc. (Friday is the only day of the week our school canteen is open)

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