Thursday 21 March 2013

Flowers, Fronds and Friends...

We recently had a Flowers, Fronds and Friends show. We contributed some art to the show and some of us brought along our own entries. It was a wonderful, colourful event!

Monday 11 March 2013

KBS EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

KBS EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

This year the team in Studio 26 are determined to keep the EPA running. We are out around our school everyday doing our bit to make a difference to our environment. 

KBS Picnic 2013 - Spencer Park

KBS Picnic 2013 - Spencer Park

Last week the KBS Whanau all ventured to Spencer Park for our annual school picnic. We had fun building sand sculptures on the beach in the morning. Then we spent the afternoon playing around Spencer Park. A great day had by all!
Check out what we got up to.

Studio 26 - 2013

Meet the 2013 Studio 26 Team

Well the team in Studio 26 have made a fabulous start to the year. We can't believe how quickly it's flying by! We are looking forward to working hard and having a great year.