Thursday 23 August 2012

Production Next Week!!

Patiki Production next Tuesday and Wednesday

This term is flying by and it's hard to believe that next week we will be putting on our production. We hope to see plenty of whanau and friends there to support us in our show. To help cover the costs of staging this we ask you to donate a gold coin. Mr Maindonald will be filming both performances so if you can't make it you can purchase a copy of the DVD from the office soon after the show! Thank you for all your support with this production!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

KBS Olympic Ceremony

Wednesday 15th August!

After two weeks of awful weather we were finally able to have our Olympic Celebration. It was great to see all of the KBS team supporting different countries from around the world. We sang our National Anthem beautifully. We are proud of our school and our country. As part of our ceremony we also got to see some of the amazing talent that we have at our school. Who knows... maybe one day we see one of our team in the Olympics! 

We have been supporting South Korea as well as New Zealand for these Olympics.
Here we are about to head over to the hall for our Olympic Ceremony.

We all had a great time at the KBS Olympic Ceremony.
Afterwards we got together for one last photo to remember the day. 

Tuesday 14 August 2012

London Olympics 2012

Olympics 2012

As the Olympics draw to a close we have been reflecting on the New Zealand team's success.  We have loved watching the games and seeing our heroes compete. Now we all want to have a go at new sports we have been watching.

As part of our Olympic learning we created the following silhouettes of Olympic sports for art. We think that they look pretty fabulous!

Friday 10 August 2012

London Olympics 2012

2012 Olympics

We wrote about which events we would compete in if we were able to go to the Olympics. We put our thinking hats on and thought about how we might feel if we won a medal at an Olympic Games. Here is Isabella's inspirational writing...

London Olympics 2012

2012 Olympics

We have been enjoying following the New Zealand team at this years Olympics. It is great to see so much success and sportsmanship. We are all very proud of the Kiwi's competing!

We have been doing some writing in different genres about the Olympics. Check out Madison's amazing Olympic acrostic poem.